Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Modi Trolls

Wo ist der Modi troll? He is still there lying low as Modi sells out the country, to Adani and Ambani. India is in transition to AmbaniVansh; Bharat Vansh to Ambani Vansh, what a fall there was my countrymen! He surfaces when Modi loses, spewing venom, in the form of mindless illogical abuse born out his ego, cursing the opponents of his new found 'avatar' .
The excuses have been lined up :-
1) Give him more time
2) The Congress made a mess
3) Sickulars are the problem
The latest I have seen is "The AAP party fooled the people"!!! LMFAO. Didn't the same people elect Modi in the Lok Sabha Elections? The idiotic , idolatrous trolls do not respect the people of India! The moment you criticise Modi, they attack the Congress as if you are a card-holding "Khangress" party member!!
Dumbasses, if you choose to kiss Modi's ass, does not mean the rest of Indians have made ass kissing their profession! Respond to the issues , you mindless zombie-slaves! The Congress are in exile for their own stupid choices.
There is no doubt in my mind, that Mr Narendra Modi does feel patriotic about the country- he is sincere in his desire to serve India- perhaps he feels selling the country to Ambani is the best way to serve India- who knows??
Strange are the workings of the mind of He who fights crocodiles and sells chai!!! I believe that even the latter tale does not stand up to scrutiny- no evidence found!!!
We love myths and allegories; don't we??

Teen girls who ran away to Syria

Hey, that's what they want so let them go! Those who choose slavery over freedom , do not know the value of freedom - so they don't need it!