Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Khomeini Population Bomb - The Muslim Global strategy

It is almost amusing to watch how civilised society is being "hoist by its own petard" by the uncivilised savage doctrine called Islam. Harsh words, huh?

Consider this, this Mohammedan Doctrine , seeks to enslave you into its bestial values by very magnanimously offering you a choice, "follow us or die!"  Quran 2:191-193. Incidentally, in Islam, the punishment for apostasy ( conversion out of Islam) is Death!
And of course, George W Bush called it a religion of peace!!! But then, W also calls the Greeks, Grecians!!!

Okay, so what's Khomeini ( Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini) got to do with it? While idiotic French government , gave him asylum in Paris, he thought of this devilish plan! He asked Muslims to go to all parts of the world, on any pretext or the other and start following Shariah Law, so that they could grow this population of savages , as most of these civilised countries also pay based benefits based on the children you have, and get on the gravy train!

Savages? You question, and you are probably thinking  of somebody who wears a loin cloth and a bone through his nose; and you say "Nah, that nice hardworking Muslim guy is not a savage" Aha, that's just where he has got you, right where he wants you to be! The Subterfuge is complete!
Its just what the Kashmiri Hindu Pandits thought , when they let the first follower of Islam in to Kashmir! Its what the Serbs thought when they let the Albanians in. The Pandits are now exiled from their homeland, their men killed and women raped and harassed out of Kashmir into refugee camps in Delhi. The Serbs got stuck with allegations of genocide!

Once they breed and become a majority or even significant numbers, by which time they have bawled their way into your consciousness with their howls from the muezzin's towers, then they show their true colours! They start spilling out of their mosques , blocking traffic (as they do on Stoddard Road, in Auckland, New Zealand), pass comments about how sluttish the local women are ; yes, your mothers, sisters, wives and daughters are, and how Sharia law is such a wonderful thing!

Then as in Britain, they start seducing your daughters with money,drinks and cigarettes, at an age when no civilised man would even look at them sexually,i.e when they are school girls and once they have got them into bed, perhaps even by rape , they threaten them with your death!!! "We fierce Muslims will kill your family, unless you remain our sexual slaves" and then they, the nice muslim guys start passing them around like cigarettes, humiliating prostituting them!! Actually happened in Britain.

 In Norway, Mr Geert Wilders was a voice in the wilderness till recently when the Norwegians realised what was happening! And in France, where the Burkha became a "cause celebre!"

Ask any Muslim, whether the law of the land is more important for him than Shariah Law and his answer will depend on whether the population bomb has exploded or not. He will place the Shariah law above the national law if he feels there are enough of them to make a human rights stink about it for some "bleeding heart" to espouse. These "bleeding hearts" are usually political parties in the opposition, looking for votes to win the next election; and Khomeini's plan is now well on its way! The muslim wins all the way to the bank!

He comes to your country, claiming Shia or Sunni persecution, despises and abuses your values, your laws and female citizens , gets paid for breeding, and thinks you are a prize idiot! No wonder!!!!
He loses nothing , he is still loyal to his own  rapacious values, while you if you happen to be a Kashmiri Pandit, you lose even your land, or if you are a Norwegian or British woman, you get abused as a slut in your own land! There are streets in Norway where a white woman may not safely walk and every one knows of the Finsbury Park in Londonistan! All this for the privilege of letting a man live in your  country, when he believes he has the right to kill you if you do not follow his religion!!!

And then, there are his brainwashed aggressive mental slaves, who are willing to cut off their clitorises for these guys. Youtube is replete with white women who are the most aggressive in exploiting civilised society's laws for the benefit of their Islamic masters. An Arab sheik of yore wrote in their equivalent of  what they pass off as literature "A woman's religion is in her vagina", which is why they are so keen to cover up their women while prostituting and abusing civilised women who are unable at times to handle this difference in values. I almost said "culture shock" but to call their values "culture" is a malaprop!

Anjem Choudhury, a Muslim born in Britain, drank like a fish, read porn amongst other illustrious achievements in his youth, is on this gravy train of hate! He gets 26000 British Pounds every year, for abusing Britons , and on a Youtube video, says that this is the Jizya tax that Britons owe him as Kaffirs! He visits Australia, refuses to shake hands with the female TV anchor and refuses to discuss his carousing youth! Just baldly states that the whole world will become Islamic, and there will be no choice of religions available! Remember their religion says its okay to kill you, if you refuse to become a Muslim!

Heck, the Spanish Inquisition's got nothing on these guys!!! Think; what sort of a religion is so insecure that the punishment for leaving it is death? What sort of a religion, makes an illiterate paedophile of a Prophet sacrosanct?! What sort of a religion brainwashes women into cutting off their clitorises and suppressing their sexuality?? What sort of a religion exhorts its followers to kill followers of other religions EVEN TODAY???


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