Monday, October 20, 2014

Thoughts are dangerous things.

They have no restrictions, no morality and sometimes no logic.

If they repeat often enough in your mind , they will become words and complete an auto feed back loop.

Enough iterations of this loop and they will become actions. This is where the danger lies.

As long as they are not expressed, they remain in the ambit of individual control.

Once expressed, there is always a audience; this is often unrecognised. Even when you are alone you are an audience.

You hear your own words and another boundary has been crossed. A Laxman-Rekha of sorts.

The more often it is muttered,the mind accepts it as a possibility. Then suddenly, like a flash flood, triggered by an emotion, action results and societal impact occurs.

What was an individual's concern, now becomes the concern of society.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Islam and frogs

Ok, every one knows about the experiment of gradually cooking a live frog in water even though it can jump out by raising the temperature gradually. Is this what Arab Islam is doing to the rest of the world, with the "We are being victimised in Palestine, so its okay for us to commit acts of terror" story? Think about this from a global point of view; never mind the wonderful kind , well mannered, Muslim guy, you meet everyday.
Never mind if you stay in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia or any other petrodollar province. Islam will always have its grouse with the rest of humanity, let us Indians for once stop toadying up before this vicious religion! Every religion is vicious in its original form, but Islam today is refusing to change!!! They want to regress to the time of the prophet, and make us do the same.
Today we are used to travelling with the prospect of Security checks, Biometric Identities, limited amounts of toiletries, atrocious prices for fuel, just so that some bloody Saudi prelate can buy another concubine, Gold plated Rolls Royce, or what ever! We now take this for normal!
Get the simile with the Frog, do you?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Religion and women

I wonder why why women respect religion when every religion discriminates against them in one way or the other? I went off on a rant about Islam, as I am annoyed at the number of posts from Islamic friends seeking to garner sympathy for the Palestinians of Gaza. It annoyed a friend of mine who lives in the Middle East, who responded in a pro-Palestinian manner, and my cousin joined in on my side. In between however, I expressed my contempt for religion as a whole , and both the women went off on this "you must respect all religions" line which got me thinking. Both are strong and intelligent women, but appear to be unable or unwilling to demand the respect they deserve from religion.
Is it conditioning? They are both rebels in a way! Not that!, so what is it? I have written about religion and women before so if you are looking to find out how religion exploits women, you can refer to that post.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sites to avoid- Creationist pseudoscience sites

Thursday, May 22, 2014

India has a new Prime Minister!

The right wing BJP party has swept the polls , and is drunk with its own victory. The new Prime Minister-Elect, is to be sworn in on Monday, the 26th May and presumably a new Cabinet of Ministers announced shortly thereafter.

The election has been divisive to say the least , but the hatred persists; and I must confess from my own side too- I am not such a good loser, I suspect; especially when it comes to India.
Though I have been a New Zealand citizen for about 7 years already, my ethnicity is Indian and the happenings in the Sub Continent affect me, more than I would care to admit.

Nor sorry for the Congress Party , which has deservedly received a sound thrashing - with every one climbing on to the Gandhi surname gravy train- and utterly failing to work for the people. One distinguishing factor of politics in India has been that the Member of Parliament becomes totally invisible to the public that elected him/her after the election. They get possessed of an attitude of Maharajahs, for the next 5 years.

I have never found stories of even one Member of Parliament, actually staying in their constituencies and serving the people.

NOW, however that has changed, atleast in the constituency of Amethi. A bitterly fought constituency, considered the bastion of the Gandhi family (Feroze and Indira's, not the Mahatma's), it recently had a fire that destroyed the homes of some poor people. The Gandhi siblings, Rahul and Priyanka actually arranged relief straightaway, while their strident opponent, Smriti Irani actually lobbied with the local council for relief to the people.