Saturday, March 18, 2006

Is it so difficult?

Is it so difficult to understand that knowledge’s strength is that it is not linked to the egos of a specific group of humans?
Is it so difficult to understand that a large population exposes alleles that are poorly equipped to survive?
Is it so difficult to understand that the walls we build to divide us, of language, culture, religions, enslave us instead of protecting us?
Is it so difficult to understand that even after resolving the mystery of the Human Genome, we are one species?
Is it so difficult to understand that all we have done is reshaped God’s materials and created nothing?
Is it so difficult to understand that God’s relationship with us is that of the creator and the created?
Is it so difficult to understand that the most important part of language is imagination?
Is it so difficult to understand that every culture is shaped by the earthbound circumstances in which that culture flourished?
Is it so difficult to understand that every religion is an attempt to explain what God feels and wants from us from one mans’ point of view- be it son , avatar, or prophet of God?
Is it so difficult to understand that it is only when we know compassion that we are human?
Is it so difficult that we on earth are not the only life that the creator has made, how incredibly arrogant it is not even to envisage that?
Is it so difficult to understand that nature itself is a miracle, what further miracle do we need from God?
Is it so difficult to understand that the only reason we have 2 sexes in nature is only to churn genes as part of evolution?

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