Saturday, May 20, 2006

How we insult God everyday

Let me first state that I am a Theist. That is to say that I believe that there is a Creator. Beyond this I am open to suggestion, as that is all that I believe, till I know better .
Now let us go to the attributes that we as mankind have built around this Creator:
1) That It is Omnipotent
2) That It is the Truth
3) That It loves us
4) That It is Good
Let us even assume that all of the above is true and we will see how we abuse this concept of God every day. Why do we arrogate the right to introduce those amongst our brethren who have not bothered to think about these concepts to God? If God is omnipotent It will do so if It wishes, certainly does not need our help. We insult the Omnipotence of God when we preach.
Coming to the Truth part of it, why do we have to proclaim his truth , given that we assume that we are all equal, we are equally capable of recognising the Truth as the other, what makes us think we are special? We insult God when we implicitly state that he produces lesser beings than us so we have to proclaim this truth
Coming to the Love part of it , how come we wage so many holy wars when It has made all of us and loves all of us, why do we compete and fight for things instead of serenely being confident that he will provide us with all we want? We insult God again.
As for God being good, why do we preach that we should fear God? In some parts of the world , parents teach children to fear the policeman, this is as ludicruous as that. Another insult to our own concept of God

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