Sunday, March 11, 2007

Of Men and Women

First let me apologise to anybody who did read my previous post for that intemperate and negative post. What I'd like to do now is to examine how the relationships between men and women have changed, not from the status point of view, where the move to equality is very laudable.
Let us look at the Quality of the relationships, from the point of view of adult-adult relationships from the Transactional Analysis point of view. In my opinion, where there was trust in the past now there is a greater degree of distrust. Men who succeed are suspicious of women as they do not know if the woman is marrying them, or the lifestyle that comes with their station in life. Women are suspicious of men dumping them for a trophy wife, very often after supporting a partner through either University or even the early part of their career.
With the result that we have a mish-mash of short term relationships, with neither men or women or the resultant offspring secure or happy in the relationships that exist. Okay , Okay I know that this is an oversimplification, but when one analyses the various experiences of our friends and acquaintances, and strip them of individual nuance, then this trend of underlying factors seem to emerge, or perhaps we shall say, be accepted as probable cause.
And another trend seems to emerge that we humans get more accepting of our partners "clay feet" with age/maturity..

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