Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Religion , Power and Sex

I have often wondered how much of religion is about power and sex. I am now convinced that most of it is. The anti abortion lobbies across all religions is about priests , largely male ,wanting to control women by controlling their right to reproduce, supported by a patriachal society where males wish to control women, because of their fears of losing their women to a younger more virile male. Simple as that, no more rubbish. Period. Amen.
Popes, Archbishops, Cardinals, Mullahs ,Imams, Pundits, Namboodiris all have been known to exploit women for sex, this is recorded history and I often wonder how women let themselves get cheated by religion , again and again and again!!!!
No bigger mind game ever existed in history, yet every religion has this barnyard of cows who tamely get brainwashed, and in a pathetic manner seek to enlarge the herd by serving as poster girls for the benefits of religion.
Even today, about 25 % of married priests in the Anglican Church indulge in extramarital affairs , by their own admission. I am sure that other religions would exceed this percentage by far.
When will we humans lose our fears and move on? Wasn't religion supposed to give us spiritual courage?Instead it seems to foment our fears so it can cheat money out of us, and then use that money for feeding on all that is good in Society and corrupting it with its foul dogmas and so-called miracles???!!!
Let us link our emotions to Reason and let its clear light guide us , as this is what really comes from God, not the nonsense some vicious fanatic feeds us. A truly godly person need not evangelise, you would follow him by being inspired by his example , not some fatuous speeches. Only if you can trust yourself to be able to discern this , can you consider yourself human, else you are part of the priests barnyard. Isn't it amazing how many priests try to catch you when you are at a psychological low, strip you of your self esteem with moral judgements purporting to come from God, so he or she may exercise POWER over you . How often have you heard them say "This is what God wants" as if they are constantly getting emails from God about you! Enough !!! Call an end to this madness and tell the priests where to get off. It is all about Power and Sex , not about God.

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